Club Rules

Main Booking Rules

Consecutive booking

The ESTEC Sailing Club owns the following boats suitable for overnight camping:

The boats can be used for camping overnight and for booking consecutive timeslots as per the following rules:

  1. Consecutive booking for Randmeers and Fox shall be performed through this application. In addition, the committee shall always be informed by email about your trip in case the boat is taken off the Braassemermeer and/or used for overnight camping. A comment in the booking system shall indicate that the boat is occupied by consecutive booking for cruising and camping so that club members are aware that the boat may not be present in the harbor or on the lake. The boat shall be booked only by club members that have demonstrated their competence to handle the boat, as normal for all other boat types. Be reminded to bring one of the available spare batteries for the Randmeer.
  2. On working days the boat is permitted to be occupied by consecutive booking for overnight camping, except during the Monday evening races. If the boat is booked on a Monday evening race, it shall participate to the race. After a Monday evening race, it is permitted to continue using the boat for consecutive booking and camping overnight.
  3. The boat shall NOT be occupied by consecutive booking during all of the weekend or all of ESTEC holidays. Therefore, on weekends and ESTEC holidays the following restrictions apply:
    • The start of a consecutive booking period shall be earliest at the start of timeslot 2 of the first booking day if this falls in the weekend or in an ESTEC holiday.
    • The end of a consecutive booking period shall be latest at the end of timeslot 1 of the last booking day if this falls in the weekend or in an ESTEC holiday.
  4. It is permitted to use the boat on the Braassemermeer and on the neighboring lakes, the Kagerplassen and the Westeinder, among others.
  5. These rules are implemented to enforce fair use among members. If loop holes exist that result in ‘overbooking’, the committee may intervene and override these rules.
  6. At the end of the season a statistical evaluation will be performed. The first boat user that has no other predefined task in the ESC, shall be appointed boat secretary for the next season.

For example, it is ok to book consecutively from Sunday 14:00h until Saturday 14:00h provided that the week does not include a Monday evening race or an ESTEC holiday. These 6 overnight bookings are the longest consecutive booking period permitted under the present scheme.

For example, it is ok to book consecutively from Saturday 14:00h until Sunday 14:00h. One overnight booking is the maximum permitted during the weekend.

For example, it is ok to book consecutively on a Monday evening race provided that the crew participates to the race with the booked boat.